Important information.

Everything you need to know before we set off.

The request for a quotation does not constitute an order.

The order for occasional special passenger transport is established by the customer's written order and confirmation of the order. The content of the order consists of the data contained in the order and the confirmation.

We can only accept orders in compliance with the legislation applicable to bus and coach drivers.

According to European Council Regulation (EC) No 561/2006, a driver:

  • can have a maximum driving time of 9 hours a day, which can be increased to 10 hours 2 times a week
  • can have a maximum working time of 13 hours, which may be increased to 15 hours twice a week, provided that the 15-hour working period includes 3 hours of uninterrupted rest
  • have a minimum of 11 hours of uninterrupted rest between two daily working periods, which may be replaced by a minimum of 9 hours of uninterrupted rest and a minimum of 3 hours of uninterrupted rest twice a week
  • can drive continuously for 4.5 hours. After the end of the driving time, the driver must take a rest of at least 45 minutes. It is possible to divide the 45 minutes into a minimum 15-minute rest, then a minimum 30-minute rest, within the 4.5-hour driving time.
  • can work a maximum of 6 days per week.
  • if the program does not allow compliance with the above rules, the participation of 2 drivers is required!
  • 2 drivers can spend 21 hours on the road at any one time, after which they must spend 9 hours of uninterrupted rest in accommodation

We cannot travel by bus in the same way as by car, so it is important to take this into account:

According to KRESZ, the maximum permitted speed by bus in Hungary is:
50 km/h inside built-up areas
outside built-up areas 70 km/h
on motorways 80 km/h

When calculating the journey time, please take into account the rules for bus drivers and the fact that it is a bus and not a car.

Bus passengers are liable for any intentional damage, vandalism, destruction or abnormal littering during the journey.
They assume financial responsibility to the extent of the damage.

Ask us for a quote for your next trip!